• Afghanistan
  • info@ctco.org.af
  • Badakhshan Afghanistan

Covering disabled people with food assistant program in Zebak District

This person is a disabled individual from Zebak District, Badakhshan Province, relying on financial support from the WFP, World Food Program which is implemented by CTCO, Creative Think for Change Organization, they receive assistance for food due to their disability and vulnerability.

So, this individual is from Afghanistan, specifically residing in the Zebak District, Badakhshan Province, located in the northeastern of Badakhshan province. This District is characterized as marginalized and remote, with severe hunger affecting its residents. The lack of a sustainable market and poor economic conditions contribute to the community’s need for support, particularly in terms of food security.

Indeed, the situation becomes even more critical when considering the broader community, including other disabled individuals and women struggling to support their children in border Districts like Zebak, Wakhan, Pamir, and Shughnan Districts. Without adequate support, these vulnerable groups face immense challenges in ensuring the well-being and nourishment of their families. Continued assistance is vital to help alleviate their struggles and provide a safety net until their children are able to support themselves. Efforts to address food insecurity and support vulnerable populations are essential for the overall health and stability of the community.

Therefore, CTCO, as a local organization, is committed to supporting disabled individuals and other vulnerable people in Afghanistan. As a cooperating partner of WFP (World Food Program), CTCO plays a crucial role in providing assistance to needy families, particularly focusing on disabled individuals, children, and women to help them support their families and ensure access to nutritious food. Additionally, CTCO recognizes the importance of food security in education and works to ensure that vulnerable groups, including disabled individuals, children, and women have access to education for a better future. By collaborating with WFP, CTCO aims to address not only immediate food needs but also long-term development goals, such as education and livelihood opportunities, to empower communities and improve their overall well-being.